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  • Writer's pictureJessica Maxwell

Afraid To Fail?

Updated: Jan 5, 2020

Don't be. It has been something that has held me back time an time again and it's been the most important advice I have received. I have done pretty well for myself, however I know the biggest thing that holds me back is myself.

Do you ever find yourself really wanting to do something, but just can't find yourself to go out and just do it. I have always been a goal setter and set high yet achievable goals for myself. Own a home, own my dream car all by the time I was 30 and some how I got it done. Don't get me wrong there were lots of highs and lows which are stories for another time. It's crazy because those things seemed easier and more achievable compared to trying to starting my own business and working a full 40 hour cold calling sales job, its very draining and seems like some days I have no time to accomplish anything. I have realized I am making progress even though I may not see it daily. Sometimes all it takes is to take a moment and look at where you were 1 year ago to see how far you have come.

I am constantly failing when it comes to my career, but realized the gain has been worth each and every failure. I have applied and interviewed to two positions within my current company and was turned down twice this year. This was important because it has now directed me to to focus more on my interview and story telling skills which then led me to blogging, networking and focusing on what I really want. Writing things down and keeping a list of what I want has been incredibly important and helpful to me. If you were you quit after the first, second or even third failed attempt that would have been just giving up and not getting through it and learning from it. It's from struggle that leads to skills and strength.

I have done a couple photo-shoots this year that did not turn out so well, this was important because it taught me life isn't going to be perfect and you cannot please everyone, every single time, but you can do what's right and learn from each mistake. Each mistake you make is only going to make you a better person, just think if you would have never even tried in the first place. In life we are taught so often that we shouldn't make mistakes, but if we aren't making mistakes we are not learning valuable lessons. Next time things are not going your way remember to take a deep breath and know that everything is going to be okay, and figure out where things went wrong so next time you can fix or prevent the situation. Never be afraid to ask for help or ask for feedback.

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