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  • Writer's pictureJessica Maxwell

The Trip

For my 29th birthday, I decided to take a SOLO trip. This is where my story will begin, even though it started long before.

Kailua, HI

Have you ever wanted to just go somewhere....but the timing was always off or one of your friends couldn't make it, you didn't have the money, you know what I mean? Yes, I have moved all over the country, and far away from my family and friends, but I have never taken a solo trip before.

"As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal."

In 2018, I took a few trips, I went to Santa Monica with one of my very best friends. I went to visit a friend I haven't seen in years in Vail, CO, but the ultimate trip this year was the one I took alone. You know what they say you have to love yourself first and everything else will fall into place.


It is great planning a trip alone because you are always on your own time and you are not feeling bad about wanting to do something the other person doesn't want to do. You make your own agenda and if you don't stick to it, well that's entirely up to YOU. On this trip I met so many new people who shared some of the same interests as me, I never had to eat alone, I made new friends everywhere I went.

I encourage all of you to take a trip somewhere even if its a quick road trip because you learn a lot about, yourself and most importantly what you are capable of, you can do a lot more when you get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to take on something new. Never be content and never stop learning!

On this trip I was able to hike and see some great views like in the photo above of Pill Box. I was able to go on a photography tour with Oahu Photography Tours and meet people who shared the same interests as me. If there is something you are passionate about, I encourage you to do things that allow you to express that passion.

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